International Training

Containerization and Docker


2 Days

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Virtual Class Training

The training will take place in live virtual format. You can attend the training from any location by using web conference tools.


October 7-8, 2024


2 Days

9.30 – 16.30


750 USD + VAT

5% discount is valid when you apply 30 days before the training.

Training Content

Here is the curriculum of the course including, but not limited to;

Introduction to Virtualization, Containerization

What are the virtualization and containerization technologies? What are the differences between them?

History of Containerization, Docker on the Stage

General information about the history of containerization, and the birth of Docker

Docker Installation and Docker Terminologies

Learn how to get started with Docker and get the answers about what Registry, Repository, Image and Container are

Deep-Dive into Docker

Docker networking and data storage concepts

Use Existing Docker Images

Learn how to create a containerized environment with Docker folks

Create Your Own Image

Develop cloud-native applications and containerize it with Dockerfile

Multi-Container Management and Docker Compose

Going advanced in containerization

What are Container Orchestration and Cluster Management?

Why do we need them?

Docker Swarm Mode and Kubernetes 101

What are the objects? How to set up the environment and deploy your applications?

Exercises and a Real-Life Case Study

Enjoy your new skills and abilities

Course benefits

Main and key takeaways of the training are as following:

Learn how to effectively use Docker Images, Repository, Volume, Networking etc.
Learn how to orchestrate Docker containers with Kubernetes
Learn the differences between virtualization and containerization
Get an answer about what is the life of containerization before Docker
Learn how to store and manage persistent and sensitive data on containerized applications
Deep dive into docker networking and learn how to create isolated area for your environment
Learn how to develop cloud-native applications and containerize them
Learn how to provide 99,999% uptime with container orchestration

Who should attend?

This is a special training which is recommended but not limited to professionals with following titles:

DevOps Engineers
Software Engineers
Technical Test Engineers
Software and Enterprise Architects
Software Development Managers
IT & Enterprise Architecture Managers
System Analysts
Project Managers
Containerization And Docker Training

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