The DASA DevOps Competence Quickscan is a creative way to discover how ready you are to work successfully in a DevOps team. Complete a self-assesment survey to see how you are performing against the DASA DevOps Competence Model designed for DevOps professionals. Answering 24 quick questions will show DevOps team members how they are performing on each of the 12 competence levels.
DASA® DevOps Competence Quickscan
What is DASA® DevOps Quickscan?

24 Quick Questions to Validate Your Readiness to Work Effectively in a Devops Team
Every question in the scan helps establishing the maturity level against the DASA DevOps Competence Model. For every competence area two questions are provided. The average between the answers determines the maturity level.
DASA® DevOps Competence Quickscan Quick Facts
The DASA DevOps Competence Quickscan is a self-assessment survey targeted at everyone working in a DevOps and Agile environment.
- The assessment includes 24 questions, two for each of the 12 competence areas of the DASA® DevOps Competence Model.
- A report is provided displaying the results of the self-assessment against the competence model, explaining how well you master each of the competency areas.
- You can map your results against the DASA® DevOps Certification Scheme, helping you to understand how you can further develop your skills.
- It is easier to download Quickscan report generated exclusively for you if you want to save or share your results.